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Lukasz Gmerek
Jun 6, 20234 min read
Upcoming changes
It has been almost a year since the last time I was sitting at the bench spending my time on this great hobby, and it has been crazy 12...
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Lukasz Gmerek
Aug 27, 20205 min read
My projects so far
Unless you blindly rushed into the model shop and it so happened that you bought 1:32 Zoukei-Mura A-1J SKYRAIDER or any other of their...
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Lukasz Gmerek
Aug 21, 20202 min read
The Workshop
I think that each one of us, be it scale modellers or any other kind of craftsman quickly realises that to properly do your job you need...
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Lukasz Gmerek
Aug 20, 20202 min read
How it all started
I believe that my passion for aviation and to be more precise military aviation started quite early while I was a teenager. I have a few,...
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